Omphile Hlompho - MY Unborn Son

Sunday afternoon and all I can think of is my future family. I've been thinking about the day I bring life into this world. I can already see myself with a big belly, swollen feet and rediculous cravings. I have everything worked out but my little bundle of joy is not here with me. Psychologically I'm ready and financialy....well i'm still living off my parents. Below is a letter to my unborn son. I hope to print it out one day and give it to him when he's old enough to read.

Special greetings little Hlompho

I know that you're in a place of great comfort and love but I often wonder when God will grant me the privilege of seeing your face and gazing into your eyes, hold your hands and feed you from my breast. I wonder who you will look like, me or your daddy. I wonder if you'll have my eyes and smile or a cute pointy nose. Who will you act like? Will you be talkative and outgoing or quiet and reserved? What kind of things will you like?

I want you to know that I desperately long to be with you. I want to be able to protect you from the evil in this world. I want to feel your little fingers wrapped around my finger, give you warm baths and dress you. I want to be there when you say your first word, hopefully it will be 'papa'. I want to be there when you take your first step and when you take off to the big world. I want to do all the things that mommies do.

I will take you to your orthodontist appointments and be at every soccer match or rugby if you prefer. I will take you to the park every weekend and be with your dad when you go down the hill for the first time with your bicycle. I will be there when your first girlfriend gives you sleepless nights because you cant stop thinking about her. I will be there when you need me and just know that you can talk to me about anything.

I already see the fire in your eyes - ready to explore the world and reaching your full potential. I picture you with curly black hair, brown eyes and pink full lips. I will fight for you. I promise to love and care for you the same way my mother is doing. For now, little one, I must find you a father who will be beside me when we meet.

Love Mommy

andile :)


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